Please Use the Links Below to Access Additional Mental Health and Community Resources
(click on the blue links to take you to our resources)
Agora Crisis Center
Agora Crisis Center offers on-line, call-in and walk-in Crisis Center Services – with listening, information and referral services for the greater Albuquerque area.
New Mexico Suicide Hotlines
Our mission is to prevent suicides, support suicide survivors, and educate the public about suicide. If you have been touched by suicide, we want you to know that we love you, we care about you, we support you, and we fight for you. And with open arms, we welcome you into the family. conducts extensive work online and offline to further its mission of suicide prevention, awareness, and support. In addition to operating, which is the largest and most visited suicide-related site in the world, we own and operate numerous additional critical sites.
United Way of Central New Mexico
UNITED WAY 2-1-1 is a comprehensive source for information, providing free information and referrals to health and human services, government agencies, and community based organizations.
VA Mental Health
For the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), nothing is more important than supporting the health and well-being of the Nation’s Veterans and their families. A major part of that support is providing timely access to high-quality, evidence-based mental health care. VA aims to address Veterans’ needs, during Service members’ reintegration into civilian life and beyond.
Assisted Living
Assisted Living is a community organization that prioritizes helping those who are disabled and the elderly fully enjoy their healthy years and age gracefully. Our organization creates and publishes comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources. We have been featured on the Parkinson’s Foundation, US Department of Health and Human Services – Health Finder, Global Healthspan Policy Institute, and is referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the web.
Center for Development and Disability (CDD)
Center for Development and Disability (CDD) in collaboration with the New Mexico Disabilities Planning Council (NMDDPC) offers information and resources to support people with developmental disabilities.
City of Albuquerque
City of Albuquerque: Offering web-based city resources under “Community Services” on home page
City of Rio Rancho
City of Rio Rancho: Offering web-based city and community resources, including Comprehensive Senior Resource Guide for Sandoval County